The Value Of Time

 Time and tide wait for no man.  

Half of a human life is inverted.  The other half of the time he has to spend time studying, making a living as well as other activities.  The time is the same for everyone.  The person who uses it sparingly, systematically and systematically finds success in life.  

A person who wastes time haphazardly recklessly fails in life.  There are different stages of human life.  Learning in childhood and they are the two main activities.  He should use his time to study and gain health and happiness through sports.  But some children waste time wandering.  As a result, they may not be able to study well and may be found later.  Young people have to use their time in business and social work.  

But some youths have been known to gossip, make fun of movies, and watch movies.  Serials are a waste of time.  As a result, they are trapped in many traps and cannot get out of it.  Later they regret not using their time wisely but to no avail.  In old age human beings suffer from some or the other problem so most of their time is spent in medicine and rest.  Very few elderly people can do socially useful activities.  The flow of time continues to flow without anyone waiting.  

If the farmer does not sow the seed in time on rainy days, the crop will not grow.  If the passenger does not reach the station before the time of departure of Gargi, the train will be missed.  A young person who does not arrive on time for a job interview loses the opportunity to get a job. The proverbs 'Navadu man bhool nu karkhanu' and 'Navaro betho nakhnod wale' suggest us to make good use of Rama. 

Every human being has his own time  Bakithan should be planned, he should also devote time for social activities. Everyone should enjoy activities like music, painting, reading, phomography, collection.  It can be both a name and a love.  Napoleon Bonaparte has said that if you waste time, it will ruin your destiny.  Let us remember this and make good use of it to make it brighter.

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