Conduct Is The Best Means Of Propaganda

Any doctrine or doctrine can only be propagated through its practice.  

Preaching is easy, but it is hard to put into practice.  As long as we do not follow the teachings given to others, those teachings do not affect others.  Eater of jaggery.  Can't give  A smoker cannot teach others not to smoke.  The one who practices untruth cannot teach others to practice the truth.  If such a person preaches to someone, it has no effect on the listener.  It is like " ડાહી સાસરે ન જાય અને ગાંડીને સાસરે જવાની શિખામણ આપે ". 

We must improve our conduct.  Conduct is the best teaching.  Once our conduct becomes ideal, we will no longer need to preach to people.

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