Our Social Vices

Some rules are made to maintain peace and order in the society.  These rules are based on the situation at the time;  But over time, that is likely to change.  It becomes corrupt if the norms of the society are not changed with the changing times.  There are many such vices in our society.  Every caste and society has a custom of marriage.  

The wedding is celebrated with much fanfare.  Dining, dowry, curves, dressing etc. have to be spent heavily.  Whether one's financial situation is good or not, one has to incur these expenses.  As a result, if she becomes a debtor, a person who cannot afford such expenses will be beaten by her in-laws.  Sometimes a daughter is tortured to such an extent that she does not tolerate this torture and sometimes a girl even commits suicide.  

Thus, dowry is a major contamination in marriage.  Post-mortem is also a major contamination of society.  The custom of weeping for days after the death of a family member is wrong.  In addition, the dead person has to spend a lot of money for the return meal.  This cost comes suddenly to the head of any family.  So the family is in debt.  In addition to this, vices like gambling, drinking alcohol, stealing, committing corruption, taking or giving bribes etc. have become ingrained in today's society.  

The development of the individual and the society is hampered by such vices in the society.  The person becomes indebted.  The moral decay of the society is happening, today people are getting education.  So some customs are slowly changing.  Today the ballerinas are stuck.  The practice of remarriage has become prevalent.  The custom of giving milk to the daughter has been abolished.  Some people have begun to avoid spending heavily on marriage or death.  In many castes.

 Mass weddings are also being planned.  Some well-educated young brothers and sisters no longer accept giving or receiving dowry.  Even so, we still have a long way to go before we can eradicate social evils.  TV  , Media like radio, print can be very useful in creating an environment against these vices.  Moreover, if people are well-educated, society can automatically change a lot.  

We resolve to stay away from social evils.

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