The Magic Of The Internet

Innovative discoveries in the field of science and technology have put us in this year.  Something that is not even in our imagination is becoming a reality today.  Yesterday's discovery has proved to be old today.  2. V.  , Commuter, internet, mobile phone etc. are wonderful discoveries of science.  Today's world is connected to the magic of the Internet.  The Internet means 'inner web'. 

It connects any cutter in the world to any other commuter.  When this happens, the Internet is able to perform three main functions: (1) exchange ideas, (2) providing information, and (3) copying.  With the help of internet, a person can talk on the phone with a person living thousands of kilometers away in any country or state of the world, exchange messages through e-mail or fax, get information on any subject.  

Thus, the Internet is useful to people in every field.  The dream of the scientists was to gather as much information as possible about every subject from all corners of the world and store it through space.  Scientists credited their efforts in this direction.Connected to each other, they succeeded in getting e-mail service.  After that e.  Q.  By 1988, more supercomputers had been built and connected to the Internet.  Thus, the number of computers, including the Internet, gradually increased.  E.  Q.  The World Wide Web (www) was opened to the public in 1991.  It connects any corner of the world to the Internet.  

The process was created by a scientist named Timvernus in Geneva in collaboration with other scientists.  Then came the competition to create a different kind of website.  E. Q. By 1997, that number had grown to more than 12 million.  Today that number is more than four crores.  Now information from science, art, books, sports, entertainment, history, geography, research, systems, astrology and all fields of the world has been stored in this website.  

The Internet is available to provide information on any subject at the push of a button on a commuter.  Thus, in the field of information and knowledge, the Internet has become an integral part of human life today.  Scientists are opening up new directions in this field.  The internet world seems to play an important role in embodying the spirit of a family.

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