Mothers Poem | Poem For Mother & About The Mothers | Mothers' Love ❤️

 "ગોળ વિના મોળો કંસાર , માતા વિના સૂનો સંસાર."  

("Molo Kansar without Gol, Suno Sansar without mother.") 

'Mother's status is the highest in the world.  The mother does everything for her child.  Suffers only in unbearable labor pains.  The mother constantly takes care of the child.  If the baby makes the bed wet, the mother sleeps in the wet but she puts the baby to sleep in the dry.  When a child falls ill, he stays awake day and night to serve his child.  The mother herself is hungry and feeds the baby.  It allows the child to make delicious dishes.Suppose the father contributes more to the irrigation of the child, then the father goes out of business.  I spend most of my time with the baby.  

That is why the mother's sacrament comes more in the child.  Getting the baby ready in the morning, sending him to school.  Helping him in his studies, feeding him on time, bringing him what he wants, playing with him, taking him for walks etc. are all done in the body.  

The mother narrates the story to the child, sings songs, communicates with him and infuses new rites in the child.  The child develops the qualities of love, harmony, caring, empathy and service.  Mano had a special contribution in shaping the lives of great men like Shivaji, Gandhiji Tilak etc.  That is why it is said that a cultured mother needs a hundred teachers.  'Suppose love is selfless.  

She has no expectations of her offspring.  There is only one wish in the distance, ‘Let my child be happy. He is also willing to endure any kind of suffering for the well-being of his child.  Even if the child is ugly, deformed, or mentally retarded, the mother's love does not falter.  Sometimes parents have more feelings for such.  

So the poet Botadkar has written - ગંગાનાં નીર તો વધે ઘટે રે લોલ , સરખો એ પ્રેમનો પ્રવાહ રે , જનનીની જોડ સખી નહિ જડે રે લોલ .  Even animals have a great love for their young.  They also lovingly care for their young.  That is why it is said that Janani and Janmabhoomi are superior to heaven.

जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी । 

Explaining the importance of mother and motherland, Lord Rama said to Laman: ‘I like the dust of Ayodhya more than the city of gold, Lanka.  I love Mother Koshalya more than the splendor of Indrasan (heaven).  That is why there is a saying, Ma, that Ma;  All other gardens.  '

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