
If there is a clean body, a clean mind, a clean house, a clean yard, a clean bean, a clean village, a clean city, a clean country, a clean air and a clean sky, what fun it is to live!  Heaven descends on earth!  We must keep our body clean to maintain good health.  Our body, teeth, nails, hair, clothes etc. should be clean.  

If our house is big, it has beautiful furniture but it is clean, then it looks more beautiful.  Our bean, society, village or city looks beautiful only if it is clean.  Hygiene also reduces the infestation of flies and mosquitoes and keeps the atmosphere cheerful.

Dirt is the national disease of our country.  Dirt is found everywhere in cities and villages.  In the village, there is a dump near the yard.  People go to the open naturally.  So flies and mosquitoes thrive everywhere.  People’s bodies, clothes and even homes are very dirty.  There is a lot of dirt in the city streets and slums.  There are piles of rubbish all over the place and it smells like a torn head.  

Hygiene awareness is still very low among our people.  They spit anywhere;  Eat leaves and inject anywhere.  Dirt has a detrimental effect on people's health, especially children's health.  Their bodies cannot stay healthy.  They suffer from many diseases.  As a result people cannot work well, children cannot study well.  Keeping clean keeps the atmosphere clean.  It makes our mind happy.  Maintaining hygiene keeps the epidemic under control.  

Our enthusiasm for work is maintained.  We should try to create awareness among the people about hygiene.  Newspapers, radio and TV  There should be a continuous campaign for cleanliness through such media.  The teaching work of the school should also start with cleanliness.  Every child joins the school cleaning program and does not feel inferior in cleaning work.  Cleaning week should be celebrated in the school once a month.  

In addition, village and city roads, public places, etc. should be cleaned.  In this way the culture of hygiene will be cultivated in the children and awareness for hygiene will come among the people.  Only with complete hygiene can a neat and civilized society be built.

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