Human And Animal Friendship

Since animals are useful to human beings in many ways, they have formed a bridge between human beings and animals.  Ebola animals also understand and respond to human emotions.  In our agricultural country, cattle like cow, buffalo, dog, goat, horse, donkey etc. are very important.  In agriculture, we use animals for stretching, for milk, for leather.  

The true farmer takes special care of the animals.  After working on the farm, the animals graze before feeding.  They have water.  The evening is the same sequence.  Animals also have feelings for their owner.  They express their feelings in different ways.  Taro is a loyal animal.  He guards the house.  As soon as the time comes, he shows his feelings by baking bread.  Eat arrives.  He starts clapping.  Often it is Pt.  Gave and treated him.  

After a while he got caught.  Even ferocious animals like hungry tigers and lions can understand human feelings.  They never kill anyone who loves them, keeps a minister with them or treats them.  Ghulam Andj licked him lovingly from the lion's paw in the forest.  Despite being hungry, the lion killed him and pushed him into the lion's cage.  But the lion recognized his life-giver - no.  Animals are friends of human beings, but some people do cruel rains with leaves, making them work beyond Eid.  There is no measure to eat enough of it.  

Elephants are hunted for my teeth, rabbits are hunted for furry chams.  If the animal does not work properly, the rest of them will taste or minister to the governmentWe deal with animals in a friendly manner.  We understand that they also have the right to live life.  We must not abuse them for selfish reasons.  We create a world of love.

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