Corruption In Education

In order to live an ideal life, one needs to get education and training.  Shia is given to the child in school.  This leads to its own development.  The intellectual development of a child is achieved through education and training received in school and it is nurtured through education.  Do today's schools faithfully re-sanctify the holistic development of children?  Today, the education sector is abolished due to corruption.  

Those sacred temples of Saraswati are not completely sacred today. There was education.  The service sector is no more, but has become a means of earning a lot.  When a child is admitted to a school, his / her parents have to pay a large sum of money to the school.  An economically weak child does not get admission in a good school.  As a result, gifted children get lost without getting admission while weak children get admission due to lack of money and money.  

They are only interested in completing the course.  Therefore, children do not get complete knowledge of the subject.Most schools do not even have an environment where the child becomes interested in learning.  So some parents keep private tuition for their child even though their financial condition is not good.  Even if a child who does not attend coaching classes or does not have tuition is intelligent, he is often failed.  

Some teachers take money and break the paper during exams.  Some teachers let the children write the answers in the exam room.  Some teachers even call the children home and let them write the paper.  In addition to schools and teachers, students and parents are also responsible for the spread of corruption in education.  Students do not study deeply.  His reading has dropped dramatically.  Most students only prepare for exams.  

Even teachers teach only in terms of exams.  Some students resort to corrupt practices to get more marks with less effort.  It gets IMP from somewhere.  They copy from another student's answer book or books in the exam room.  Many parents also encourage and even help students to resort to corrupt practices.  Today, the school has to make a large donation to get a job as a teacher.  

No one has any problem in committing corruption because of the benevolence of the corrupt government system.  If corruption is not eradicated from the education sector and other sectors, our country will collapse even more, the youth of the country will be frustrated and the progress of the country will come to a standstill.

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