The World Is A Family

Indian culture has a wide vision.  The spirit of considering the world as one family (Vasudhaiva Kutum) has been flowing in its ragerag(All Parts) since Vedic times.  God is the creator of the whole world.  The same sun gives heat and light to the whole world as well as the same moon gives coolness.  Why should there be a gap between us in such a situation?  The world is divided into many countries and nations for administrative ease and according to the geographical situation.  

The food, clothing, shelter, etc. of the people of each country vary according to the geographical location.  Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.  One country imports some things from another country and exports some things.  Scientific discoveries have brought the whole world under one umbrella, bridging the gap between the countries of the world.  Countries can be reached quickly by air services.  Messages can be sent extremely fast to any country via telephone, fax and internet.  In this way, many kinds of information can be exchanged between countries.  

The people of the world are getting closer to each other through the Olympic Games.  A student from one nation can go there to study literature, culture, science, art, etc. of another nation.  A citizen of one nation may move to another country for business.  Organizations like the Red Cross as well as the nation rush to help in any country in the world in times of disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods.  

Even so, narrow-minded selfish politicians provoke people in the name of religion, language, creed, caste, region, etc. This results in conflicts between nations or states.  Sometimes World War II results in the death of millions of people, the destruction of millions of properties, and the loss of lives.  The world has experienced the terrible consequences of the two world wars.  

Out of this, UNO has been established for the establishment of peace and security as well as for mutual cooperation.  It seeks to resolve each other's issues through negotiations.  Even so, terrorism continues to wreak havoc around the world.  We cultivate a wide vision.  Heart - reduce the distance between the heart.  

Let's cultivate intimacy not only between human beings but also between human beings and animals, between human beings and nature.  Adopt the principle of ‘live and let live’.  Let us realize this motto: "The world is a nest and we are all birds of a nest."

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