The Joy Of Liberation - Story

There was a soldier.  Once during the war he was captured by the enemy.  The enemy captured this soldier along with other prisoners of war like him.  All facilities were provided to the soldier in that captivity.  He got good food and good clothes.  Enemies treated him humanely.  Here he experienced peace and security, however, the soldier was not happy in this captivity.  

He could not get out of captivity.  Due to this bondage, there was always pain in his heart.  A few days later the war ended and a treaty was signed between the opposing nations.  The prisoners of war of both the countries were released as per the terms of the treaty.  After being released from captivity, the soldier returned to his homeland.  There he met his relatives and friends.  Many years later, his relatives and friends rejoiced to see him back.  One day he went for a walk in the market.  

There he saw a peddler selling parrots and cockroaches in cages.  Seeing the birds caged, the soldier's heart sank.  He said to Feria, “Brother, why have you put all these birds in cages?  How much does that poor person have to suffer?  Feria was surprised to hear the soldier's words.  He said, “Brother, you are wrong.  I don't hurt the birds at all.  I fed them well. 

The soldier said, "Brother, to be happy, I have to drink as much as I can.  "Enough? I've also experienced the pain of being in captivity. So I can better understand the plight of birds trapped in cages." In doing so, he paid Rhea to buy all the cages.  Par opened all the cages and left the birds.  From the cage, the birds fluttered their wings and flew far into the sky.  

The joy that is in liberation is not in bondage.

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