Importance of Forests or conservation of Forests

Forest is a beautiful part of nature.  It is an important gift of nature to human beings.  Forests are closely related to the geography of any country.  Forests have a great impact on climate and life.  Primitive people learned the basic lessons of civilization and culture by living in the forests.  

Thousands of students used to get education in these Gurukuls.  The education of great men like Lord Rama and Shri Krishna was also done in Gurukuls.  In ancient times, Vanprastha Ashram had great importance in our country, people used to spend the third part of their age - old age - living in the forests.  

Forest conservation means protecting the forests.  For the conservation of forests, people living near the forests should be especially active.  They should tell what are the benefits of keeping forests safe.  Some alternative fuel arrangement should be made for them;  So that they do not cut down trees for fuel.  Some selfish people do indiscriminate felling of forests for their earnings.  Such people should be punished severely.  

Attention should also be paid to the development of small scale industries based on forest produce. Indiscriminate deforestation reduces the amount of rainfall.  This increases the chances of famine.  Due to the destruction of forests, there is a shortage of herbs necessary for medicines.  Due to the deforestation, wild animals start running towards the villages.  

This poses a danger to the villagers.  Bun is a valuable asset of our country.  We get gum, lac, honey, rubber, cane, beedi leaves, timber, etc., from forests only.  Many industries are based only on forests.  Conservation of forests is also very important for the development of tourism industry.  Indeed, it is our national duty to conserve forests.

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